Devotion of 13 Tuesdays in honour of St. Anthony

Introductory Prayer
Leprosy flees
1. Few infirmities are as repugnant as leprosy the natural instinct of everyone is to flee from it, and in the Old Testament lepers were driven forth from the cities and towns, and were compelled to live apart and have no communication with the rest of their fellowmen.
2. But far more repugnant than the leprosy of the body is the leprosy of the soul, namely sin. But spiritual lepers are not exiled to the waste parts of the world; they live in the midst of men and in many cases they are a source of grave spiritual evils to those among whom they live.
3. Saint Anthony was the model of compassion not only to those who were lepers in body, but also to those who were spiritually lepers. His ardent zeal cured both kinds of leprosy, and by restoring them to health he once more made them agreeable to behold, both in the eyes of God and men.
Meditate for a while on these truths and then recite the Our Father,
Hail Mary and Glory be.
Here ask the grace which you desire to receive.
Concluding Prayer