Devotion of 13 Tuesdays in honour of St. Anthony

Introductory Prayer
Direct need is relieved
1. It is God who moves the hearts of people to have recourse to the Saints, and to urge us to do so he pours out into their hands a veritable stream of graces and benefits, and through them works even the most stupendous miracles. Hence it may be seen that the acclamation of the people of every nation for the works of Saints has its roots in God himself, who desires to be glorified in His Saints, some in a popular and more manifest manner, others in a more silent and hidden way.
2. To Saint Anthony Our Lord desired to give this external glory, which resounded throughout the world, and he is without doubt one of the most popular of the Saints. To this end God made him one of the most admirable wonder-workers, and reliever of every kind necessity. Above all Saint Anthony is the Saint of the needy and the poor, and through him they often receive bread and sustenance of life.
3. Let us follow the inspiration of heaven, and avail ourselves of this heavenly dispensation, which God has so generously bestowed upon our Saint. But let us invoke him not only for our temporal necessities but also for those eternal and spiritual needs of our souls. Let us ask him not only for the bread for our body but also the food for our souls.
Meditate for a while on these truths and then recite the Our Father,
Hail Mary and Glory be.
Here ask the grace which you desire to receive.
Concluding Prayer