Devotion of 13 Tuesdays in honour of St. Anthony
Introductory Prayer
You seek Miracles
1. One of the most renowned wonder-workers of the Catholic Church is without doubt Saint Anthony of Padua. It is impossible to enumerate the prodigies which God has worked through the intercession and prayers of our Saint. This the faithful know and for this reason they have recourse to him. In this they do well, and it is most desirable that devotion to Saint Anthony should grow day by day.
2. But to have recourse to the Saint for temporal favours and goods it is necessary that it should be done in the proper manner, namely, with faith and confidence, Christian humility and resignation, which does not diminish either with setbacks or delay, and always with proviso that the reception of these temporal favours will be no hindrance to our spiritual welfare.
3. Many have recourse to Saint. Anthony asking him for temporal favours and graces, whereas few ask him for spiritual favours and blessings for the soul, as for example, the conversion of souls, increase of virtues, and final perseverance in grace. Perhaps a person will ask him for a miracle in the temporal order and yet would not ask for one in the supernatural. This is not as it should be, for the soul and its needs should be placed before those of the body, the eternal before temporal, the heavenly before that which is of this earth.
Spend a few moments in reflection and then recite the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.
Here ask the grace which you desire to receive
Concluding Prayer