Devotion of 13 Tuesdays in honour of St. Anthony

Introductory Prayer
Death flees
1. It pleased God on several occasions to grant to Saint Anthony power over death itself. At the presence of the Saint he was seen to take to flight when his hand was laid upon the dying and there were instances where even those who had departed from this life were recalled to life at the prayer of the Saint.
2. But much more frequent were the instances when it was not a case of death of the body but of the soul, that is to say sin, which fled at the presence of our Saint, and those who were dead to the life of grace returned to that life, and were converted by his sermons; innumerable sinners who had long remained in a state of mortal sin were won back to the supernatural life of grace.
3. Let us never consent to die the life of grace, but let us constantly ask of Saint Anthony, that through his intercession and patronage, we may ever fly from sin and resolve to die a natural death a thousand times rather than yield to the death of our soul.
Spend a few moments in reflection and then recite the Our Father, Hail Mary and Glory be.
Here ask the grace which you desire to receive.
Concluding Prayer