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Bible Stories for Children
Short Stories from Holy Bible for Childerens


Life History of Mother Teresa
A Brief biography and
history of Mother Teresa


Legion of Mary@ Kurusady
Largest apostolic organization
of lay people in the Catholic Church


St. Antony's Life History
St Anthony of Padua who was born in a native of Lisbon...


Devotion of 13 Tuesdays
Devotion of 13 Tuesdays in honour of St. Anthony


Photos of St. Anthony Church, Kurusady

Legion of Mary @ Kurusady

Legion of Mary
Highlight of Legion of Mary
The Origin of Legion of Mary - Kurusady
"Legion of Mary" - Administration
Achievements of Legion of Mary, Kurusady
Services and Special Services
Services at St. Antony's Church Feast, Kurusady
The Services to encourage the Legioneries
The legioneries who have joined the Priesthood

The Achievements of Legion of Mary - Kurusady

Mini P.P.C.

Mini P.P.C. is camping in far away places for 3 to 7 days and visiting the peoples there.

Mini P.P.C. was conducted for the first time in Kottar Diocese by "Lady of Lourdes" men's praesidium on 1st, 2nd and 3rd of October 1987 at Anakkarai on Tuticorin Diocese.

It is only after this Successful conduct of the Mini P.P.C. by the Legion of Mary, Kurusady, that the diocese started giving a thought to the Mini P.P.C. this was the forerunner model and guide for the Mini B.B.C. in the diocese.

In 1987 Rev. Fr. Antonidas was the parish priest of Anakkarai. There were 33 participants in the Mini P.P.C. including. Rev. Fr. Martin, the Asst. Parish Priest of Kurusady. The sisters of St. Anne and the brothers from the Comitium of Tuticorin acted as guides to Anakkarai, Nanthankulam, Mittatharkulam, Saveriarpuram and Vazhaithottam.

Patthireisier Metting

Patthireisier Metting began in 1955. It was started in Kurusady on 11.02.1981. This metting lasting for two hours is conducted only in Kurusady. The aim of the Patthireisier metting is to increase the religious knowledge of the people, to train them to explain this to the others and encourage them for Apostolie work.

Encouraging the B.C.C.S

On 16.03.1997 a meeting was conducted at St. Antony's High School to study and assess the B.C.C.S. As a follow up, the legionaries participated in the B.C.C meetings and encouraged them.

Prayer on First Friday

According to the decision taken during the Reatreat at Chunkankadai conducted from 30.11.1996 to 01.12.1996, the first Friday prayer was started by then president Bro. M. Michael Antony, the objective of this is that all the legionaries should know and love one another. This prayer is conducted in turn at the house of every legionary on every first Friday between 8 pm and 9 pm.

Cleaning the Window - Glasses of the Church

The glass windows of the church of St. Antony, made of attractive multi-colored glasses contain numberless paintings and artistic techniques revealing the greatness of the indo-anglian architecture and art. Such glasses known for their wonderful artistic fenery have been maintained for hundreds of years through white-washing.

On 07-03-1999 under the presidentship of Br.Michael Antony, a co-ordenating body consisting of the legionaries and the members of the catholic action worked for days and nights at these glass windows as a result, now the whole church sparkles in light.


St. Antony's Youth Movement has introduced a scheme of felicitating and awarding prizes either to an individual or an organisation for their best performance in the village. The Legion of Mary has won the prize for the best organisation in 1999 (A statue of our Lady-14.01.2000).

Legion of Mary Kurusady in the Internet

The first Lay Apostle Organisation in the whole World to enter into the Internet is Kurusady Legion of Mary. On 9th June '2000.

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