Devotion of 13 Tuesdays in honour of St. Anthony
Introductory prayer for each day
O almighty and merciful God, who willed to grant to St Anthony the privilege that his devout clients should recover things which they have lost, I offer to you my unbounded thanks for the great favours which you have bestowed upon this glorious saint, and I beseech you through his intercession grant to my soul that heavenly light which will enable me to overcome my inordinate appetite, and to follow your divine inspirations; that I may not lose the precious jewel of your grace, and if perchance I should lose it I may regain it without delay. Amen.
Concluding prayer for each day
O God, who are wonderful in your saints and especially in my protector and advocate St Anthony, grant me through his merits and intercession, the grace I here pray for, the conversion of sinners, perseverance of the just, the salvation of those in agony, and the liberation of the holy souls in purgatory. Grant protection to infants and children, support the weak, defend your church, and protect my native land, that all being your faithful children, and observing your holy law, may obtain eternal life. Amen.
V. Pray for us, O blessed Anthony.
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Let us pray
May the votive solemnity of your confessor blessed Anthony give joy to your Church, O God, that it may ever be fortified by spiritual help, and merit to possess everlasting joys. Through Christ our Lord.