Catholic Action Society
The objective of the Catholic Action is to renew everyone in Christ and to preach the Holy Bible, illumine our minds with the light of truth and strengthen our fraternal sprit that we may always seek and do God’s willed.
This association was started in 1980. The activities are graveyard maintenance, visiting the patients and praying for them, visit families and pray for them, group prayer and get Christ’s experience.

Little Way Association
The Aim of Little Way Association is to follow Therese of the child Jesus’ principles of love, care, sympathy, truth, simplicity, etc. and to input all these principles into the children’s mind and to follow them properly and live in a love and peaceful life.
Little Way Association’s activities are to follow the annual plan in the meeting which is conducted every week. The first week is celebrated “illamthalir week”. The second week is celebrated ‘awareness week’. The third week is celebrated ‘art week’. The fourth week is celebrated ‘environmental week’.
At the end for meetings, the children go to the parish priest’s house and cleaned the house and environment.
The seventh day of the St Anthony’s Feast is celebrated by the children’s of Little Way Association along with youth movement and YCS. The Children’s day is celebrated very grandly in our association. A happy picnic is conducted every year in the month of May.

Youth Movement
The objective of Youth Movement is to unite all the youths and to live an eternal life.
Each one us needs direct human contact with the power and the love of God. Jesus wants all his people to live a happy and joyous life. Therefore He wants us healed of anything that saddens or depresses us, obstacles that make it impossible to love. He wants us to live a victorious Christian life, right in the devil’s back yard. So our Youth Movement is to serve the poor children to continue their studies. They teach the poor children. They take free tuitions. Our services are to improve social environment, donate blood, give awareness to drugs, clean the graveyard, encourage the people to save money, build a small library, help the poor, visit the aged serviettes home, wrote bus time-table in the entrance of the village, etc.

St Vincent de Paul Society
The aim of Vincent de Paul Society is Jesus Christ’s principle of ‘if you did it to one of the least of the members of my family you did it to me’.
The Vincent de Paul Society was started by the mason’s associations on April 28, 1996. Vincent de Paul Society’s Services are to select seven poor families and give food, accommodation and medical allowance.
- To visit the families regularly
- To visit the patients in family and hospital
- To encourage family prayers

Legion of Mary
The objective of the Legion is to glorify god through the purification of the members. The two ways to realise this objective are prayer and service. This service is co-operating with our lady and the church, in the mission of spreading The Kingdom of Jesus Christ under the guidance and supervision of the church leaders.
In 1937, even before the legion of Mary was started in the diocese, Kurusady saw the origin of a mixed praesidium.

Catholic Society
The aim of Catholic Society is to clear idea about the politics and input all the ideas into the catholic people.
The Catholic Society was started on March 18, 2001.
The meeting is conducted monthly once. In the meeting, the members discussed the politics and give awareness to all the people.
- To participate all the meeting related to the politics in the diocese.
- To include all the correct persons into the voter’s list.
- To explain the people about the government’s plan of drinking water, electricity facilities, road facilities, etc.

Christian Life Movement
Christian Life Movement’s aim is to follow the principle of Jesus and to live the disciple life of Him.
Christian Life Movement was started by Fr. Ambrose on August 15, 1938.
Personal Prayer is our life-line to God. In the Gospels we see Jesus regularly recharging his power by going off alone to pray. Prayer is the union of two loves that means our love with God’s love. We must Faith in God. Faith means absolute trust in Jesus. Faith shows that our love for God is real. Daily Bible reading means the mind and heart of God is there. The Bible is God’s love letter to you and me. So they encourage the people to read the Holy Bible daily. The Holy Bible, God’s word is alive and active. He speaks to us and how much we need to listen.

The objective of Catechism is to follow Jesus Christ’s principle of love, justice, unity, trust, sympathy, faith, forgiveness, etc., input all these principles into children’s heart and bring the children under the Kingdom of Jesus Christ.
To prepare an annual plan and the basis of annual plan we conduct our classes. Last week of every month we conduct teacher’s meeting. In those meeting, we discuss the present month activities and the future month activities. Every year we celebrate Christmas. The third day feast of our church is celebrated by our children and teachers. The Vocational Bible Class is conducted every year in the month of May.
We conduct trainings and improve the knowledge of our teachers. We also participate all the training contucted in the diocese. We encourage the children to read the Holy Bible and help the poor and also we encourage them to pray daily.

Women's Commission
The objective of women’s Commission is to give awareness in politics, economy, religion and culture to the women.
We participate every family’s happy and sad occasions. We visit the patients and pray for them. Women’s day is celebrated every year in the month of March 8. We also participate the training given by kottar diocese. We take care and run our village book stall. With the help of Parish Administration we wrote Bible quotes in the drinking water tank. The fourth day feast of our church is celebrated by Women’s Commission.
The first week is celebrated as environmental and health week. The second week is celebrated as Women’s awareness week. The third week is celebrated as Bible and social interest week. The fourth week is celebrated as art week.

Rural women welfare association
The objective of Rural Women Welfare Association is to encourage the women to save money and improve their life into good and standard position.
Activities: Awareness songs, world news, national news, input all these things and to help for women empowerment. Teach the government’s policies and to activate it correctly. Take the loans in the bank and use it for their children’s higher studies and business. Clean the drainage, put street lights, etc., and to develop their village clean and tidy. We participate the training given by kottar diocese. We take training like small scale business, law, leadership training, etc.

St. Mary's Thaliths Association
The objective of St. Mary’s Thalith’s Association is to improve women’s status and to encourage the women to save money.
Encourage the women’s for their mental and physical status. Visit the patients and pray for their health. We also participate the training like small scale business, leadership training, law etc.

Liturgical Spiritual Comity
The objective of Liturgical Spiritual Comity is to develop all the Christian ceremony activities and improve our life style and to live a good Christian life.
We give training to the members of this comity. Every Saturday we conduct a meeting. In this meeting we discussed the main theme of every Sunday mass. We write the main theme and paste it in the alaya peedam. We discuss our negative things and to improve it in the future. We also write the main theme of the Sunday mass, the reading and other things all put it in the notice board. We give liturgical training, reading practice, song practice, etc. all our training is given through the anbiyams, associations, commissions and committees.
The third day feast of our church is celebrated by our comity members. Flower decoration, peedam decoration, etc. are done by our members. The Parish Priest is participated all the meeting and give his ideas and suggestions.

Pious Association Coordinating Comity
The objective of Pious Association Coordinating Comity is to encourage all the associations and committees and improve their activities.
Pious Association Coordinating Comity was started on 2000. 5 Members from each association and committee are participated in this association.
Activities: Lent days activities like Good Friday’s way of the cross, Good Thursday ceremonies are taken our comity and run it very clearly. Graveyard maintenance is run very successfully through our comity.
We encourage all our committees and associations to prepare their annual plan and to follow it correctly.
We also encourage the people to participate in the anbiyam.

Basic Christian Community
The very heart of Kurusady has been classified into 15 ANBIAMS (Basic Christian Community), on the basic of which people gather, pray and work together.
புனித யூதா அன்பியம் - St. Jude Association
புனித லூர்தன்னை அன்பியம் - St. Lourdes Anbiyam
புனித அல்போன்சாம்மாள் அன்பியம் - St. Alphonsa Anbiyam
புனித சவேரியார் அன்பியம் - St. Xavier Anbiyam
புனித ஜார்ஜியார் அன்பியம் - St. George Anbiyam
புனித ஜாண்போஸ்கோ அன்பியம் - St. John Bosco Anbiyam
புனித அகஸ்தீனார் அன்பியம் - St. Augustine Anbiyam
புனித தோமையார் அன்பியம் - St. Thomas Anbiyam
புனித ஜெபஸ்தியார் அன்பியம் - St. Sebastian Anbiyam
புனித கிளாரம்மாள் அன்பியம் - St. Clare Anbiyam
புனித அசிசியார் அன்பியம் - St. Assisi Anbiyam
புனித சூசையப்பர் அன்பியம் - St. Joseph Anbiyam
புனித மிக்கேல் அன்பியம் - St. Michael Anbiyam
புனித சிறுமலர் அன்பியம் - St. Little Flower Anbiyam
புனித அன்னைதெரசாள் அன்பியம் - St. Mother Teresa Anbiyam
As the result of the special care and importance shown to strengthen and to encourage them by visiting the B.C.C., a progressive mark of interest and involvement is seen among the people furthermore, the co-ordinating forum of the B.C.C is well organised once in a month, and the responsible persons are initiated to direct their own B.C.C property.